Saturday, 19 January 2008
PC Media Antivirus (PCMAV) 1.0 RC23
Ada yang butuh PC Media Antivirus (PCMAV) terbaru ???, ini saya bagikan, tinggal downlaod dan jalankan di komputer tanpa install, Lumayan untuk antivirus alternatif dan Gratis. Database PCMAV 1.0 RC22 dapat mengenal dan membersih 110 virus lokal/asing/varian terbaru yang dilaporkan menyebar di Indonesia. Total 1368 virus beserta variannya yang banyak beredar di Indonesia telah dikenal di RC23 ini oleh engine internal PCMAV.
PC Media Antivirus (PCMAV) 1.0 RC23 adalah antivirus Made In Indonesia ASLI yang sudah mengalami banyak perubahan sejak versi pertamanya dikeluarkan terutama dalam menangani virus 2x local yang bikin kesal, PCMAV cukup mumpuni membasmi dan mengembalikan data atau folder yang di hidden oleh virus (terutama oleh virus local), selain ukuran filenya kecil tapi yang utama adalah GRATISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
Salut Deh buat PC MEDIA yang buat ini antivirus dari pada ornag yang bikin virus, ngeselin orang, di sumpahin orang, dll.
Jadi selamat Mendownload dan mencoba. SEMOGA MEMBANTU.
Download :
PCMAV 1.0 RC 23
File .Rar ( 2 MB)
PC Media Antivirus (PCMAV) 1.0 RC23 adalah antivirus Made In Indonesia ASLI yang sudah mengalami banyak perubahan sejak versi pertamanya dikeluarkan terutama dalam menangani virus 2x local yang bikin kesal, PCMAV cukup mumpuni membasmi dan mengembalikan data atau folder yang di hidden oleh virus (terutama oleh virus local), selain ukuran filenya kecil tapi yang utama adalah GRATISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
Salut Deh buat PC MEDIA yang buat ini antivirus dari pada ornag yang bikin virus, ngeselin orang, di sumpahin orang, dll.
Jadi selamat Mendownload dan mencoba. SEMOGA MEMBANTU.
Download :
PCMAV 1.0 RC 23
File .Rar ( 2 MB)
Labels: PCMAV-Antivirus
Mengkopi Isi Website
Gimana kalau kita menemukan sebuah situs yang isinya cukup menarik (misalnya : tentang tulisan) atau kita mendapat tugas (khususnya mahasiswa) untuk menanalisa sebuah situs, apa isi situs tersebut secara keseluruhan. Tentu bila kiat lakukan dengan cara biasa meng-klik tiap link untuk melihat isi dari website lalu mensavenya untuk dibuka lagi di komputer di rumah, itu cukup memberatkan terutama yang tidak punya koneksi langsung ke jaringan internet dan hanya mengandalkan warnet.
Tiap masalah pasti ada solusinya, kita dapat mengkopi atau menduplikat isi sebuat situs secara lengkap maupaun hanya tulisannya saja dengan bantuan software tentunya. Penulis hanya menyarankan dua software yang biasa dipakai untuk mengkopi isi web site, yaitu :
Teleport merupakan software untuk menkopi/menduplikasi isi dari sebuah situs yang cukup mumpuni, selain itu ukuran installernya kecil. Tetapi Teleport ini bukanlah software yang gratis tetapi shareware, meskipun kita dapat menggunakan versi yang tidak ter-registrasi, tetapi kita dibatasi untuk mengkopi situs hanya beberapa halaman saja dan hanya dapat digunakan 40 kali pemakaian.
Teleport dapat di download di situs :
2. HTTrack Website Copier
Selain menggunakan Teleport satu software yang pernah di coba adalah HTTrack. HTTrack fungsinya sama dengan Teleport, yaitu mengkopi/menduplikat isi web. HTTrack merupakan sortware freeware A.K.A GRATIS, jadi bisa menjadi alternative dari Teleport.
HTTrack dapat di download di situsnya :
Sebenarnya banyak sih software-software untuk mengkopi/mengduplikat isi website, seperti Webcopier,dll. Tetapi saya hanya menyarankan dua saja yang pernah penulis gunakan dan cukup diandalkan.
Jadi sekarang bila kita ingin menjelajahi isi dari sebuah website secara Offline pakai saja software di atas untuk mengkopi/menduplikat semua isi dari website yang kita inginkan, bahkan beberapa analis keamanan menggunakan software ini untuk melihat atau mencari kelemahan dari sebuat website, apakah aman dari serangan (defence) dari luar atau tidak. Terkadang bila kita mengkopi isi sebuah website, file-file yang seharusnya tidak boleh terkopi,misalnya password atau data nomor CC, ikut terkopi, tapi kejadian ini jarang terjadi pada website yang baik kemanannya.
Itulah Software untuk mengkopi isi Website, SEMOGA MEMBANTU.
Teleport merupakan software untuk menkopi/menduplikasi isi dari sebuah situs yang cukup mumpuni, selain itu ukuran installernya kecil. Tetapi Teleport ini bukanlah software yang gratis tetapi shareware, meskipun kita dapat menggunakan versi yang tidak ter-registrasi, tetapi kita dibatasi untuk mengkopi situs hanya beberapa halaman saja dan hanya dapat digunakan 40 kali pemakaian.
Teleport dapat di download di situs :
2. HTTrack Website Copier
Selain menggunakan Teleport satu software yang pernah di coba adalah HTTrack. HTTrack fungsinya sama dengan Teleport, yaitu mengkopi/menduplikat isi web. HTTrack merupakan sortware freeware A.K.A GRATIS, jadi bisa menjadi alternative dari Teleport.
HTTrack dapat di download di situsnya :
Sebenarnya banyak sih software-software untuk mengkopi/mengduplikat isi website, seperti Webcopier,dll. Tetapi saya hanya menyarankan dua saja yang pernah penulis gunakan dan cukup diandalkan.
Jadi sekarang bila kita ingin menjelajahi isi dari sebuah website secara Offline pakai saja software di atas untuk mengkopi/menduplikat semua isi dari website yang kita inginkan, bahkan beberapa analis keamanan menggunakan software ini untuk melihat atau mencari kelemahan dari sebuat website, apakah aman dari serangan (defence) dari luar atau tidak. Terkadang bila kita mengkopi isi sebuah website, file-file yang seharusnya tidak boleh terkopi,misalnya password atau data nomor CC, ikut terkopi, tapi kejadian ini jarang terjadi pada website yang baik kemanannya.
Itulah Software untuk mengkopi isi Website, SEMOGA MEMBANTU.
Labels: software
- 9064660207139455412 # 26 November 2009 at 23:19
E-Book Mengenai Kesehatan dan Kedokteran
Ada yang butuh E-Book atau artikel mengenai kesehatan dan kedokteran ?, Ini saya bagikan, Oh ya data/sumber informasi ini saya dapat kan dari blog ini : , tetapi setelah dicek ke situsnya hanya beberapa situs saja yang dapat diakases, sisanya sudah tidak bisa lagi.
Ini dia daftarnya E-Book & Artikelnya :
A Complete Handbook Of Nature Cures.pdf 17-Feb-2005 14:33 1.3M
Common Herbs For Common Illnesses.txt 17-Feb-2005 14:33 62k
Dr Weil - Guide To Herbal Medicines.pdf 17-Feb-2005 14:34 2.7M
Eight Lectures On Yoga.pdf 17-Feb-2005 14:35 155k
Herbal Bug-Free Hair.txt 17-Feb-2005 14:35 1k
Herbal Healing.txt 17-Feb-2005 14:35 29k
Herbs For Health And Beauty.txt 17-Feb-2005 14:35 232k
[eBook - PDF] Massage and the Original Swedish Movements - Kurre W. Ostrom.pdf 17-Feb-2005 14:32 1.4M
Artikel/EBook diatas dapat di peroleh di :
2_DL1 - Guidelines for writing a research proposal.doc 12-Dec-2003 11:46 13K
2_RD Arrangements.doc 19-Feb-2004 16:53 45K
2_Summary Interventions.doc 16-Apr-2004 18:07 31K
2_pj_20030712_researchgovernance.pdf 11-Dec-2003 14:19 117K
4_Colchester PCT Executive Pharmacist Update March 2004.doc 14-Apr-2004 23:04 29K
4_May 04 LPC meeting -minutes1.pdf 01-Jun-2004 15:16 58K
4_New Pharmacy Contract January 2004[1].ppt 14-Jan-2004 21:30 74K
4_Newsletter July-August 2004 -.pdf 12-Aug-2004 09:20 314K
4_leaflet 2 - ECPPDU.pdf 08-Jul-2004 08:50 99K
8_brown bag - MMC.doc 17-Apr-2004 21:35 155K
19_malariareview_mike_(c)2004.doc 15-Oct-2004 16:00 85K
28_smoking.pdf 04-Oct-2005 16:33 43K
33_2004 Drug Trend Report - USA.pdf 28-Jan-2006 23:53 1.1M
33_2006 International Monetary Fund Report on Iraq.pdf 28-Jan-2006 23:50 594K
33_Academic System in Iraq.pdf 10-Jan-2006 20:43 20K
33_Criteria For Drug Promotion.pdf 10-Jan-2006 20:51 28K
33_Eastern Mediterranean Health Systems Profile 2005.pdf 10-Jan-2006 22:40 637K
33_Future Pharmacovigilance Model.pdf 10-Jan-2006 20:51 114K
33_Good Pharmacy Practice in Developing Countries.pdf 17-Dec-2005 19:24 176K
33_Health Profile in Iraq.pdf 10-Jan-2006 22:32 176K
33_How to Develop a National Formulary-Practical Guide.doc 10-Jan-2006 20:21 1.8M
33_How to Investigate the Use of Medicines by the Consumer-WHO Guide.pdf 10-Jan-2006 20:47 911K
33_Iraq Map.pdf 10-Jan-2006 22:33 272K
33_Iraqi Civilian Casualties 2003-2005.pdf 28-Jan-2006 23:52 650K
33_Iraqi National List of Herbal Drugs & Dietary Supplements.doc 10-Jan-2006 20:27 72K
33_Iraqi National Master List of Drugs.DOC 10-Jan-2006 20:24 1.5M
33_Pharmaceutical Chaos in Iraq.pdf 28-Sep-2005 23:36 50K
33_Pharmacovigilance.pdf 10-Jan-2006 20:50 118K
33_Pharmacovigilane Planning.pdf 10-Jan-2006 20:50 293K
33_Pharmacy Student in Iraq.pdf 28-Sep-2005 23:37 284K
33_World Health Day Toolkit 7 April 2006.pdf 13-Jan-2006 22:10 348K
40_T.M.S.A.exercise.xls 23-Oct-2005 20:04 19K
40_example.xls 23-Oct-2005 20:04 19K
Artikel/EBook diatas dapat di peroleh di :
ADHD.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:31 91k
AIDS & HIV infection.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:31 117k
AccuteWryNeck.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:30 66k
Achilles_tendonitis.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:30 38k
Acne.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:30 90k
Acutebronchitis.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:31 54k
Adolescents, understanding the adolescent.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:31 116k
Alcohol, harmful use of alcohol.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:31 141k
Allergy in babies.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:31 92k
Anaemia, iron deficiency.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:31 109k
Anal Fissure.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:31 89k
Angina.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:32 159k
Ankle sprain.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:32 139k
Anticoagulation therapy.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:32 94k
Anxiety.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:32 92k
Aphthous ulcers.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:32 91k
Asthma, correct use of aerosol inhaler.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:32 159k
Asthma, dangerous asthma.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:32 152k
Asthma.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:33 124k
Autism.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:33 91k
BCC.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:33 45k
Backache.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:33 135k
Bed-wetting (enuresis).pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:33 165k
Bellspalsy.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:33 53k
Benign_positional_vertigo.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:33 49k
Bereavement.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:33 66k
Bites and stings.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:34 92k
Black_tongue.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:34 38k
Blepharitis.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:34 30k
Body Odour.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:34 129k
BowLegs_KnockKnees.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:34 35k
Breast feeding & milk supply.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:34 121k
Breast feeding, establishing.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:34 158k
Breast feeding, nipple problems.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:34 92k
Breasts, painful.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:35 114k
Breasts, self examination.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:35 173k
Bronchiolitis.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:35 50k
Bronchitis, chronic.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:35 110k
Bursitis and tendonitis of the outer hip.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:35 117k
COPD.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:18 86k
Calluses, corns and warts on feet.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:35 100k
Cancer.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:35 92k
Cannabis (Marijuana).pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:36 92k
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:36 164k
Cataracts.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:36 41k
Chickenpox.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:36 27k
Child Accident Prevention in the home.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:36 75k
Child_Happy, rearing.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:36 74k
Chlamydia Infection.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:10 63k
Cholesterol, how to lower.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:17 122k
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:17 91k
Circulation to Legs (poor circulation).pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:17 141k
Circumcision.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:17 209k
Coeliac Disease.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:17 52k
Colic, infant.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:18 90k
Common Cold.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:18 149k
Concusion.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:18 77k
Conjunctivitis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:18 157k
Constipation.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:18 106k
Convulsions, febrile.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:18 137k
Coronary Risk Factots.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:19 115k
Cramps.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:19 117k
Crisis, coping with.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:19 76k
Croup.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:10 34k
Crying baby.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:30 63k
Cystitis in women.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:30 124k
DVT_prevention_during_air_travel.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:32 26k
Dandruff.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:30 173k
Dementia.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:30 91k
Depression, Post-natal .pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:11 127k
Depression, medication.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:31 91k
Depression.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:31 108k
Diabetes, Insulin injections.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:31 124k
Diabetes, foot care.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:31 89k
Diabetes, healthy diet for.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:31 97k
Diabetes, sugar monitoring at home.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:31 86k
Diabetes.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:32 135k
Diarrhoea, acute in adults.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:32 111k
Diet guidelines for good health.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:32 125k
Diverticular disease.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:32 136k
Dysmenorrhoea.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:32 154k
ED.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:34 62k
Earache in children.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:34 123k
Eating disorders.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:34 64k
Eczema, atopic.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:34 182k
Eczema, contact.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:34 90k
Eczema.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:34 51k
Emphysema.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:35 119k
Encopresis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:35 144k
Endometriosis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:35 131k
Epilepsy.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:35 130k
Exercises for knees.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:35 188k
Exercises for lower back.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:35 168k
Exercises for neck.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:36 137k
Exercises for shoulders.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:36 201k
Exercises for the legs - warm up.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:36 121k
Exercises for thoracic spine.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:36 220k
Eye problems in the aged.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:36 183k
Eyes , FB in eyes.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:37 161k
Eyes_Dry.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:37 35k
Feet, flat.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:37 164k
Female_pattern_baldness.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:37 29k
Fever.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:37 88k
Fibromyalgia.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:37 29k
Fissure, anal.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:37 89k
Flat_feet.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:37 44k
Foreskin hygiene.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:37 203k
Frozen Shoulder.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:38 37k
GORD in children.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:38 91k
GORD.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:39 89k
Gallstones.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:38 50k
Ganglion.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:38 35k
Gastroenteritis in children.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:38 116k
Geographic Tongue.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:38 32k
Glandular Fever.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:38 145k
Glaucoma.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:38 127k
Gonorrhoea.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:38 134k
Gout.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:39 122k
Haemochromatosis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:39 31k
Haemorrhoids.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:39 141k
Halitosis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:39 137k
Hangover.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:39 62k
Happy Child, rearing.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:39 74k
Hay Fever.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:39 118k
Head Injury.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:40 135k
Headache, tension.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:40 162k
Hearing Impairment in the aged.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:40 91k
Heart Failure.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:40 225k
Heliobacter Pylori.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:40 63k
Hepatitis C.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:41 30k
Hernia, Umbilical.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:41 135k
Hernia.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:41 19k
Herpes Simplex (cold sores).pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:41 112k
Herpes Zoster (shingles).pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:41 135k
Herpes, Genital.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:42 133k
Hiatus Hernia.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:42 115k
Hip_Osteoarthritis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:42 44k
Hirsutism.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:42 185k
House dust mite management.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:42 164k
Hypertension.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:42 26k
Impetigo.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:42 24k
Incontinence, urinary.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:43 147k
Infertile couple.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:43 91k
Influenza.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:43 148k
Ingrowing toenails.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:43 140k
Intoeing in children.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:44 164k
Irritable Bowe Syndromel.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:44 32k
Kidney stones.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:44 105k
Kidney_stones.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:44 25k
Knee_Osteoarthritis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:44 54k
Knee_pain, Anterior.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:44 40k
Laryngitis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:44 114k
Learning disabilities and dyslexia.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:44 91k
Learning problems in children.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:44 99k
Leg_Circulation (poor circulation).pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:45 141k
Lice, head lice.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:45 130k
Lice, pubic lice.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:45 119k
Lipomas.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:45 33k
Marriage, making it work.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:45 117k
Mastitis with breast feeding.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:45 138k
Measles.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:46 156k
Melanoma.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:46 159k
Meniere's syndrome.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:46 137k
Meningitis_bacterial.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:46 65k
Menopause.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:46 101k
Menstrual cycle, understanding.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:46 182k
Migraine.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:46 57k
Miscarriage.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:47 92k
Molluscum Contagiosum.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:47 33k
Mumps.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:47 89k
Nappy rash.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:47 99k
Nasal_polyps.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:47 39k
Neck pain, post accident.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:47 89k
Neck pain.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:47 146k
Nose bleeding.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:48 181k
Nose, stuffy - runny nose.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:48 141k
OCP, combination.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:48 66k
Obesity, how to lose weight wisely.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:48 136k
Osgood_Schlatter.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:48 17k
Osteoarthritis in the elderly.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:48 139k
Osteoarthritis of the Hip.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:48 44k
Osteoarthritis of the Knee.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:48 54k
Osteoarthritis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:49 157k
Osteoporosis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:49 138k
Otitis externa.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:11 136k
Overseas_travel_tips.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:49 40k
PMS.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:51 159k
POS.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:51 45k
Paget's Disease.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:49 28k
PapSmear.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:49 137k
Parkinsonism.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:11 46k
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:50 143k
Peptic Ulcer.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:50 121k
Perianal_haematoma.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:50 40k
Pharyngitis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:50 138k
Phobias.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:50 40k
Pityriasis rosea.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:50 145k
Plantar Fasciitis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:50 156k
Plaster instructions.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:51 85k
Post-natal Depression.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:51 127k
Pregnancy, about your.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:51 92k
Pregnancy_PrePregnancy_planning.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:51 32k
Prostate, enlargement.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:51 125k
Prostate, surgery.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:52 147k
Pruritus ani.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:11 89k
Psoriasis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:52 150k
Rash, viral skin rashes in children.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:52 197k
Restless_leg.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:52 47k
Retirement planning.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:52 144k
Rheumatoid Arthritis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:53 149k
Rosacea and perioral dermatitis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:53 160k
Roseola_Infantum.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:53 15k
Rubella.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:53 150k
SCC.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:53 39k
Scabies.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:53 149k
Schizophrenia.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:53 92k
Sciatica.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:54 148k
Scoliosis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:54 137k
Sebaceous_cysts.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:54 37k
Seborrhoea in infants.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:54 146k
Seborroeic_keratoses.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:54 22k
Skin Cancer.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:54 90k
Skin, dryness.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:54 90k
Slapped_face_syndrome.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:54 47k
Sleep apnoea, obstructive.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:55 174k
Sleep problems.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:55 117k
Smoking, quitting.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:55 147k
Snoring.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:55 147k
Snuffling infant.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:55 88k
Social phobia.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:55 43k
Spondylosis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:55 89k
Sports injuries, first aid.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:56 107k
Squint & loss of vision.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:56 136k
Stones, kidney.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:56 105k
Stress, coping with stress.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:56 136k
Stroke.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:56 136k
Stuttering.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:56 29k
Subconjunctival_haemarrhage.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:56 46k
Sunburn.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:56 90k
Tantrums.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:57 23k
Tear duct blockage.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:57 150k
Teeth grinding, bruxism.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:57 62k
Teething.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:57 121k
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:57 138k
Tennis elbow.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:57 157k
Testes, self examination.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:58 173k
Testicle, undescended.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:58 31k
Thalassaemia.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:58 45k
Thrush, vulvo-vaginal.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:11 134k
Thumb sucking.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:58 63k
Tinea pedis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:58 138k
Tinnitus.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:58 133k
Tonsillitis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:59 149k
Travel sickness.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:59 119k
Travel, air.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:59 93k
Travel, guide for travellers.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:59 121k
Tremor, essential.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:59 122k
Tubal ligation.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:59 128k
URTIs.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:00 42k
Ulcers, leg.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:00 149k
Undescended_testes.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:00 31k
Urethritis, non-specific (NSU).pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:00 134k
Urticaria.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:00 89k
Vaginalthrush.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:00 37k
Varicocele.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:00 37k
Varicos veins.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:00 188k
Vasectomy.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:01 138k
Vertigo, exercises for benign positional vertigo.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:01 189k
Vertigo_Benign_positional_.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:01 49k
Viral infection.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:01 164k
Warts, genital warts.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:01 36k
Warts.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:01 135k
Wax in ears.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:01 138k
Worms.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:02 108k
hepatitis A.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:41 164k
hepatitis B.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:41 159k
immunisation, child.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:42 106k
knees, bow legs and knock knees.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:44 35k
Artikel/EBook diatas dapat di peroleh di :
cann.culture 12-Apr-2005 06:49 20k
cannabisculture.pregnancy 12-Apr-2005 06:49 20k
CherokeeMedicine&Ethnobotany.pdf 18-Mar-2005 21:06 46k
HerbalMedicineIntroduction.pdf 18-Mar-2005 21:06 60k
usesofstandardremediesbyeclecticpysicians.pdf 18-Mar-2005 21:07 65k
Crataegus.pdf 18-Mar-2005 21:06 88k
DavidWinstononChineseherbsinAmerica.pdf 18-Mar-2005 21:06 101k
echinacea.treatmentforsnakebite.pdf 18-Mar-2005 21:07 166k
diseasesofwomen&children.sarah.webb.pdf 18-Mar-2005 21:07 324k
PratchettTerryDiscworld12WitchesAbroad.txt 19-Mar-2005 10:50 455k
Pratchett.Terry.Wyrd_Sisters.htm 19-Mar-2005 10:50 506k
MalePractice2.jpg 17-Apr-2022 01:50 602k
MedicinalPlants.NorthAm.pdf 18-Mar-2005 21:07 627k
MateriaMedicaVegetabilis.Part2.Steinmentz.pdf 18-Mar-2005 21:07 930k
MateriaMedicaVegetabilis.Part1.Steinmetz.pdf 18-Mar-2005 21:07 1.2M
MalePractice1.jpg 17-Apr-2022 01:50 1.2M
MalePractice3.jpg 17-Apr-2022 01:50 1.4M
Artikel/EBook diatas dapat di peroleh di :
CDC/ 30-Sep-2006 03:11 -
Chemical Agent Quiz.htm 27-Oct-2005 22:49 19k
CounterTerrorism/ 30-Sep-2006 03:11 -
Cyanide/ 30-Sep-2006 03:11 -
DomesticPreparedness/ 30-Sep-2006 03:11 -
FEMA/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
Field Mgmt Chem Casu..> 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
Field Training Exerc..> 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
HazMat Smart-Strip T..> 27-Oct-2005 22:53 99k
MMRS/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
Medical Mgmt of Chem..> 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
Medical Mgmt of Nucl..> 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
MedicalAspectsofNBC/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
MedicalNBCBattlebook/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
NBC Decontamination/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
NBC Field Handbook/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
NBC Protection/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
Nerve Agents/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
NerveAgentOverview/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
PulmonaryAgents/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
Radiation Treatment/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
ResponsetoTerrorism/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
Sarin/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
Sedgwick County & Ci..> 27-Oct-2005 23:05 706k
ThreatChart.pdf 27-Oct-2005 23:05 670k
ToxicWeapons/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
Triage&FieldMgmt/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
TriageTags/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
TxBioWarfareAgents/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
USAMRIID Biological ..> 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
Vesicants/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
femafire_emsguide.pdf 27-Oct-2005 22:52 199k
incaps/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
scemswir.pdf 27-Oct-2005 23:05 468k
Artikel/EBook diatas dapat di peroleh di :
SEMOGA MEMBANTU. , tetapi setelah dicek ke situsnya hanya beberapa situs saja yang dapat diakases, sisanya sudah tidak bisa lagi.
Ini dia daftarnya E-Book & Artikelnya :
A Complete Handbook Of Nature Cures.pdf 17-Feb-2005 14:33 1.3M
Common Herbs For Common Illnesses.txt 17-Feb-2005 14:33 62k
Dr Weil - Guide To Herbal Medicines.pdf 17-Feb-2005 14:34 2.7M
Eight Lectures On Yoga.pdf 17-Feb-2005 14:35 155k
Herbal Bug-Free Hair.txt 17-Feb-2005 14:35 1k
Herbal Healing.txt 17-Feb-2005 14:35 29k
Herbs For Health And Beauty.txt 17-Feb-2005 14:35 232k
[eBook - PDF] Massage and the Original Swedish Movements - Kurre W. Ostrom.pdf 17-Feb-2005 14:32 1.4M
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2_DL1 - Guidelines for writing a research proposal.doc 12-Dec-2003 11:46 13K
2_RD Arrangements.doc 19-Feb-2004 16:53 45K
2_Summary Interventions.doc 16-Apr-2004 18:07 31K
2_pj_20030712_researchgovernance.pdf 11-Dec-2003 14:19 117K
4_Colchester PCT Executive Pharmacist Update March 2004.doc 14-Apr-2004 23:04 29K
4_May 04 LPC meeting -minutes1.pdf 01-Jun-2004 15:16 58K
4_New Pharmacy Contract January 2004[1].ppt 14-Jan-2004 21:30 74K
4_Newsletter July-August 2004 -.pdf 12-Aug-2004 09:20 314K
4_leaflet 2 - ECPPDU.pdf 08-Jul-2004 08:50 99K
8_brown bag - MMC.doc 17-Apr-2004 21:35 155K
19_malariareview_mike_(c)2004.doc 15-Oct-2004 16:00 85K
28_smoking.pdf 04-Oct-2005 16:33 43K
33_2004 Drug Trend Report - USA.pdf 28-Jan-2006 23:53 1.1M
33_2006 International Monetary Fund Report on Iraq.pdf 28-Jan-2006 23:50 594K
33_Academic System in Iraq.pdf 10-Jan-2006 20:43 20K
33_Criteria For Drug Promotion.pdf 10-Jan-2006 20:51 28K
33_Eastern Mediterranean Health Systems Profile 2005.pdf 10-Jan-2006 22:40 637K
33_Future Pharmacovigilance Model.pdf 10-Jan-2006 20:51 114K
33_Good Pharmacy Practice in Developing Countries.pdf 17-Dec-2005 19:24 176K
33_Health Profile in Iraq.pdf 10-Jan-2006 22:32 176K
33_How to Develop a National Formulary-Practical Guide.doc 10-Jan-2006 20:21 1.8M
33_How to Investigate the Use of Medicines by the Consumer-WHO Guide.pdf 10-Jan-2006 20:47 911K
33_Iraq Map.pdf 10-Jan-2006 22:33 272K
33_Iraqi Civilian Casualties 2003-2005.pdf 28-Jan-2006 23:52 650K
33_Iraqi National List of Herbal Drugs & Dietary Supplements.doc 10-Jan-2006 20:27 72K
33_Iraqi National Master List of Drugs.DOC 10-Jan-2006 20:24 1.5M
33_Pharmaceutical Chaos in Iraq.pdf 28-Sep-2005 23:36 50K
33_Pharmacovigilance.pdf 10-Jan-2006 20:50 118K
33_Pharmacovigilane Planning.pdf 10-Jan-2006 20:50 293K
33_Pharmacy Student in Iraq.pdf 28-Sep-2005 23:37 284K
33_World Health Day Toolkit 7 April 2006.pdf 13-Jan-2006 22:10 348K
40_T.M.S.A.exercise.xls 23-Oct-2005 20:04 19K
40_example.xls 23-Oct-2005 20:04 19K
Artikel/EBook diatas dapat di peroleh di :
ADHD.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:31 91k
AIDS & HIV infection.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:31 117k
AccuteWryNeck.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:30 66k
Achilles_tendonitis.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:30 38k
Acne.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:30 90k
Acutebronchitis.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:31 54k
Adolescents, understanding the adolescent.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:31 116k
Alcohol, harmful use of alcohol.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:31 141k
Allergy in babies.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:31 92k
Anaemia, iron deficiency.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:31 109k
Anal Fissure.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:31 89k
Angina.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:32 159k
Ankle sprain.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:32 139k
Anticoagulation therapy.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:32 94k
Anxiety.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:32 92k
Aphthous ulcers.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:32 91k
Asthma, correct use of aerosol inhaler.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:32 159k
Asthma, dangerous asthma.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:32 152k
Asthma.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:33 124k
Autism.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:33 91k
BCC.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:33 45k
Backache.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:33 135k
Bed-wetting (enuresis).pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:33 165k
Bellspalsy.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:33 53k
Benign_positional_vertigo.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:33 49k
Bereavement.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:33 66k
Bites and stings.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:34 92k
Black_tongue.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:34 38k
Blepharitis.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:34 30k
Body Odour.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:34 129k
BowLegs_KnockKnees.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:34 35k
Breast feeding & milk supply.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:34 121k
Breast feeding, establishing.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:34 158k
Breast feeding, nipple problems.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:34 92k
Breasts, painful.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:35 114k
Breasts, self examination.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:35 173k
Bronchiolitis.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:35 50k
Bronchitis, chronic.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:35 110k
Bursitis and tendonitis of the outer hip.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:35 117k
COPD.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:18 86k
Calluses, corns and warts on feet.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:35 100k
Cancer.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:35 92k
Cannabis (Marijuana).pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:36 92k
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:36 164k
Cataracts.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:36 41k
Chickenpox.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:36 27k
Child Accident Prevention in the home.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:36 75k
Child_Happy, rearing.pdf 27-Feb-2004 23:36 74k
Chlamydia Infection.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:10 63k
Cholesterol, how to lower.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:17 122k
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:17 91k
Circulation to Legs (poor circulation).pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:17 141k
Circumcision.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:17 209k
Coeliac Disease.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:17 52k
Colic, infant.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:18 90k
Common Cold.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:18 149k
Concusion.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:18 77k
Conjunctivitis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:18 157k
Constipation.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:18 106k
Convulsions, febrile.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:18 137k
Coronary Risk Factots.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:19 115k
Cramps.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:19 117k
Crisis, coping with.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:19 76k
Croup.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:10 34k
Crying baby.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:30 63k
Cystitis in women.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:30 124k
DVT_prevention_during_air_travel.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:32 26k
Dandruff.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:30 173k
Dementia.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:30 91k
Depression, Post-natal .pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:11 127k
Depression, medication.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:31 91k
Depression.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:31 108k
Diabetes, Insulin injections.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:31 124k
Diabetes, foot care.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:31 89k
Diabetes, healthy diet for.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:31 97k
Diabetes, sugar monitoring at home.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:31 86k
Diabetes.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:32 135k
Diarrhoea, acute in adults.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:32 111k
Diet guidelines for good health.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:32 125k
Diverticular disease.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:32 136k
Dysmenorrhoea.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:32 154k
ED.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:34 62k
Earache in children.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:34 123k
Eating disorders.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:34 64k
Eczema, atopic.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:34 182k
Eczema, contact.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:34 90k
Eczema.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:34 51k
Emphysema.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:35 119k
Encopresis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:35 144k
Endometriosis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:35 131k
Epilepsy.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:35 130k
Exercises for knees.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:35 188k
Exercises for lower back.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:35 168k
Exercises for neck.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:36 137k
Exercises for shoulders.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:36 201k
Exercises for the legs - warm up.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:36 121k
Exercises for thoracic spine.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:36 220k
Eye problems in the aged.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:36 183k
Eyes , FB in eyes.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:37 161k
Eyes_Dry.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:37 35k
Feet, flat.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:37 164k
Female_pattern_baldness.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:37 29k
Fever.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:37 88k
Fibromyalgia.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:37 29k
Fissure, anal.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:37 89k
Flat_feet.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:37 44k
Foreskin hygiene.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:37 203k
Frozen Shoulder.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:38 37k
GORD in children.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:38 91k
GORD.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:39 89k
Gallstones.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:38 50k
Ganglion.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:38 35k
Gastroenteritis in children.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:38 116k
Geographic Tongue.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:38 32k
Glandular Fever.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:38 145k
Glaucoma.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:38 127k
Gonorrhoea.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:38 134k
Gout.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:39 122k
Haemochromatosis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:39 31k
Haemorrhoids.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:39 141k
Halitosis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:39 137k
Hangover.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:39 62k
Happy Child, rearing.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:39 74k
Hay Fever.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:39 118k
Head Injury.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:40 135k
Headache, tension.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:40 162k
Hearing Impairment in the aged.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:40 91k
Heart Failure.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:40 225k
Heliobacter Pylori.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:40 63k
Hepatitis C.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:41 30k
Hernia, Umbilical.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:41 135k
Hernia.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:41 19k
Herpes Simplex (cold sores).pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:41 112k
Herpes Zoster (shingles).pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:41 135k
Herpes, Genital.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:42 133k
Hiatus Hernia.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:42 115k
Hip_Osteoarthritis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:42 44k
Hirsutism.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:42 185k
House dust mite management.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:42 164k
Hypertension.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:42 26k
Impetigo.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:42 24k
Incontinence, urinary.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:43 147k
Infertile couple.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:43 91k
Influenza.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:43 148k
Ingrowing toenails.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:43 140k
Intoeing in children.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:44 164k
Irritable Bowe Syndromel.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:44 32k
Kidney stones.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:44 105k
Kidney_stones.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:44 25k
Knee_Osteoarthritis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:44 54k
Knee_pain, Anterior.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:44 40k
Laryngitis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:44 114k
Learning disabilities and dyslexia.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:44 91k
Learning problems in children.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:44 99k
Leg_Circulation (poor circulation).pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:45 141k
Lice, head lice.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:45 130k
Lice, pubic lice.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:45 119k
Lipomas.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:45 33k
Marriage, making it work.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:45 117k
Mastitis with breast feeding.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:45 138k
Measles.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:46 156k
Melanoma.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:46 159k
Meniere's syndrome.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:46 137k
Meningitis_bacterial.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:46 65k
Menopause.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:46 101k
Menstrual cycle, understanding.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:46 182k
Migraine.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:46 57k
Miscarriage.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:47 92k
Molluscum Contagiosum.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:47 33k
Mumps.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:47 89k
Nappy rash.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:47 99k
Nasal_polyps.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:47 39k
Neck pain, post accident.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:47 89k
Neck pain.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:47 146k
Nose bleeding.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:48 181k
Nose, stuffy - runny nose.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:48 141k
OCP, combination.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:48 66k
Obesity, how to lose weight wisely.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:48 136k
Osgood_Schlatter.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:48 17k
Osteoarthritis in the elderly.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:48 139k
Osteoarthritis of the Hip.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:48 44k
Osteoarthritis of the Knee.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:48 54k
Osteoarthritis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:49 157k
Osteoporosis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:49 138k
Otitis externa.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:11 136k
Overseas_travel_tips.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:49 40k
PMS.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:51 159k
POS.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:51 45k
Paget's Disease.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:49 28k
PapSmear.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:49 137k
Parkinsonism.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:11 46k
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:50 143k
Peptic Ulcer.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:50 121k
Perianal_haematoma.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:50 40k
Pharyngitis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:50 138k
Phobias.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:50 40k
Pityriasis rosea.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:50 145k
Plantar Fasciitis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:50 156k
Plaster instructions.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:51 85k
Post-natal Depression.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:51 127k
Pregnancy, about your.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:51 92k
Pregnancy_PrePregnancy_planning.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:51 32k
Prostate, enlargement.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:51 125k
Prostate, surgery.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:52 147k
Pruritus ani.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:11 89k
Psoriasis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:52 150k
Rash, viral skin rashes in children.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:52 197k
Restless_leg.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:52 47k
Retirement planning.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:52 144k
Rheumatoid Arthritis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:53 149k
Rosacea and perioral dermatitis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:53 160k
Roseola_Infantum.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:53 15k
Rubella.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:53 150k
SCC.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:53 39k
Scabies.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:53 149k
Schizophrenia.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:53 92k
Sciatica.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:54 148k
Scoliosis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:54 137k
Sebaceous_cysts.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:54 37k
Seborrhoea in infants.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:54 146k
Seborroeic_keratoses.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:54 22k
Skin Cancer.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:54 90k
Skin, dryness.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:54 90k
Slapped_face_syndrome.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:54 47k
Sleep apnoea, obstructive.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:55 174k
Sleep problems.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:55 117k
Smoking, quitting.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:55 147k
Snoring.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:55 147k
Snuffling infant.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:55 88k
Social phobia.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:55 43k
Spondylosis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:55 89k
Sports injuries, first aid.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:56 107k
Squint & loss of vision.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:56 136k
Stones, kidney.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:56 105k
Stress, coping with stress.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:56 136k
Stroke.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:56 136k
Stuttering.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:56 29k
Subconjunctival_haemarrhage.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:56 46k
Sunburn.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:56 90k
Tantrums.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:57 23k
Tear duct blockage.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:57 150k
Teeth grinding, bruxism.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:57 62k
Teething.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:57 121k
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:57 138k
Tennis elbow.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:57 157k
Testes, self examination.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:58 173k
Testicle, undescended.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:58 31k
Thalassaemia.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:58 45k
Thrush, vulvo-vaginal.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:11 134k
Thumb sucking.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:58 63k
Tinea pedis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:58 138k
Tinnitus.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:58 133k
Tonsillitis.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:59 149k
Travel sickness.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:59 119k
Travel, air.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:59 93k
Travel, guide for travellers.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:59 121k
Tremor, essential.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:59 122k
Tubal ligation.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:59 128k
URTIs.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:00 42k
Ulcers, leg.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:00 149k
Undescended_testes.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:00 31k
Urethritis, non-specific (NSU).pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:00 134k
Urticaria.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:00 89k
Vaginalthrush.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:00 37k
Varicocele.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:00 37k
Varicos veins.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:00 188k
Vasectomy.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:01 138k
Vertigo, exercises for benign positional vertigo.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:01 189k
Vertigo_Benign_positional_.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:01 49k
Viral infection.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:01 164k
Warts, genital warts.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:01 36k
Warts.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:01 135k
Wax in ears.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:01 138k
Worms.pdf 28-Feb-2004 01:02 108k
hepatitis A.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:41 164k
hepatitis B.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:41 159k
immunisation, child.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:42 106k
knees, bow legs and knock knees.pdf 28-Feb-2004 00:44 35k
Artikel/EBook diatas dapat di peroleh di :
cann.culture 12-Apr-2005 06:49 20k
cannabisculture.pregnancy 12-Apr-2005 06:49 20k
CherokeeMedicine&Ethnobotany.pdf 18-Mar-2005 21:06 46k
HerbalMedicineIntroduction.pdf 18-Mar-2005 21:06 60k
usesofstandardremediesbyeclecticpysicians.pdf 18-Mar-2005 21:07 65k
Crataegus.pdf 18-Mar-2005 21:06 88k
DavidWinstononChineseherbsinAmerica.pdf 18-Mar-2005 21:06 101k
echinacea.treatmentforsnakebite.pdf 18-Mar-2005 21:07 166k
diseasesofwomen&children.sarah.webb.pdf 18-Mar-2005 21:07 324k
PratchettTerryDiscworld12WitchesAbroad.txt 19-Mar-2005 10:50 455k
Pratchett.Terry.Wyrd_Sisters.htm 19-Mar-2005 10:50 506k
MalePractice2.jpg 17-Apr-2022 01:50 602k
MedicinalPlants.NorthAm.pdf 18-Mar-2005 21:07 627k
MateriaMedicaVegetabilis.Part2.Steinmentz.pdf 18-Mar-2005 21:07 930k
MateriaMedicaVegetabilis.Part1.Steinmetz.pdf 18-Mar-2005 21:07 1.2M
MalePractice1.jpg 17-Apr-2022 01:50 1.2M
MalePractice3.jpg 17-Apr-2022 01:50 1.4M
Artikel/EBook diatas dapat di peroleh di :
CDC/ 30-Sep-2006 03:11 -
Chemical Agent Quiz.htm 27-Oct-2005 22:49 19k
CounterTerrorism/ 30-Sep-2006 03:11 -
Cyanide/ 30-Sep-2006 03:11 -
DomesticPreparedness/ 30-Sep-2006 03:11 -
FEMA/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
Field Mgmt Chem Casu..> 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
Field Training Exerc..> 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
HazMat Smart-Strip T..> 27-Oct-2005 22:53 99k
MMRS/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
Medical Mgmt of Chem..> 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
Medical Mgmt of Nucl..> 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
MedicalAspectsofNBC/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
MedicalNBCBattlebook/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
NBC Decontamination/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
NBC Field Handbook/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
NBC Protection/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
Nerve Agents/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
NerveAgentOverview/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
PulmonaryAgents/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
Radiation Treatment/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
ResponsetoTerrorism/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
Sarin/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
Sedgwick County & Ci..> 27-Oct-2005 23:05 706k
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ToxicWeapons/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
Triage&FieldMgmt/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
TriageTags/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
TxBioWarfareAgents/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
USAMRIID Biological ..> 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
Vesicants/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
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incaps/ 30-Sep-2006 03:12 -
scemswir.pdf 27-Oct-2005 23:05 468k
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