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Thursday, 31 May 2012

Cara cek valid alamat Email

Kadang kalau netter mendapatkan sebuah alamat email dari teman kadang ragu apakah alamat yang di tulis tersebut benar atau valid karena kadang salah dengar,salah tulis,dll.

Agar netter tidak ragu dengan alamat email atau kirim email jadi gagal karena alamat email tidak ada alias tidak valid, netter bisa menggunakan situs pengecek alamat email, ada 2 situs yang biasa di gunakan yaitu :

1.Email Addresses Checker

Situs Email Addresses Checker dapat mengecek beberapa alamat email, alamat email yang di cek otomatis akan di simpan di record di bawahnya dan hasilnya dapat di download dalam bentuk excel atau pdf, sayang fungsi ini terbatas untuk versi gratis hanya menyimpan 2 alamat email yang kita cek tapi untuk versi berbayar tentu unlimited.

2.Free Email Verifier

 Situs Free Email Verifier alternatif dari situs pertama, pengecekan alamat emailnya tidak terbatas hanya hasilnya memang tidak bisa di save saja.

Sampai sekarang hanya 2 situs saja yang biasa di gunkan karena hasilnya benar-benar valid dan tampilan situnnya tidak di penuhi iklan yang kadang membuat bingung.

Semoga Membantu.

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posted by ANSI @ 18:12  

  1. 6468833486214303002 # Blogger Unknown

    I would like to mention that you forgot to put in your post. I worked with them and they are amazing. Their system works by reducing and eliminating invalid, abuse, complaint, inactive, and spam-trap email address. These are email addresses that will either bounce or contribute to ruining your sending reputation. They also provide IP address validation and verification of key recipient demographics and has the ability to add missing information on certain emails, such as the name, gender, and location of the owner. Let's not forget the API and that they have reasonable prices.
    They are the most secure email validation system you can find.

    Here is the link where you can find them
    I know it will be a great experience for you working with them, as it was for me.  

  2. 1327375279291134612 # Blogger Dan Andrei

    I would recommend you to use because I worked with them and it an amazing experience.
    The system works by reducing and eliminating invalid, abuse, complaint, inactive, and spam-trap email address. These are email addresses that will either bounce or contribute to ruining your sending reputation. They also provide IP address validation and verification of key recipient demographics and has the ability to add missing information on certain emails, such as the name, gender, and location of the owner.
    They are the most secure email validation system you can find.
    Here is the link where you can find them  

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